

Keyboard equivalents that invoke commands rather than using the mouse to choose from menus.


Text on drawings, including notes, crosshatching and dimensions.

Apple HSL Display

A standard color wheel for the Macintosh with the option to specify Hue, Saturation and Lightness.

Apple RGB Display

A standard color display for the Macintosh with the option to specify Red, Green and Blue percentages.


1.     The justification of text with either or both margins even or text centered within the des­ignated text space. Alignment is set in the Text menu.

2.     The spatial relationship of different sets of geometry to each other along a common line.

Alignment Angle

The angle of the Drafting Assistant’s automatic construction lines. The specification is set by choosing Layout>Preferences>Snap.

Arc Tool

Draws a part of a circle.


An acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This is the format for text characters to be imported into Graphite. Most word processors save text in ASCII format.

Arrow Tool

Used for selecting objects to be operated on with subsequent commands. Also used to move selected geometry.


A link between an object and its dimensions or between views. If the object is changed, the dimensions automatically change to match. In associative views, such as a detail view, when geometry is changed in one view, all views of the same geometry are changed accordingly.


The data fields associated with a particular object that completely define that object. This includes layer name, pen style, color, x-y-z coordinates and even data for a BOM, such as cost, item-name, quantity, description, etc.

Automatic Dimensions 

This tool automatically places dimensions on lines, circles, ellipses and arcs with one mouse click on the geometry.

Bezier Curve

A free form curve. NURB splines are a superset of Bezier curves.


A frame showing the boundary of a view.


The geometry that defines the limits for operations such as trimming, relimiting, crosshatching, 2D analysis, or fill.


An acronym for Computer-Aided Design.


An acronym for Computer-Aided Design and Drafting.


An acronym for Computer-Aided Engineering.


An acronym for Computer-Aided Manufacturing.

Chamfer Tool

The tool that constructs beveled or sloping edges or a surface between two objects.


This entity is created when flattening a surfaced object using the Flatten View command. Once an object is flattened these chain entities can be edited.


See Attributes.

Circle Tool

Draws circles specified by the radius, the diameter, or tangency to other entities.

Circle Center Line

This tool places a center line on circles.


The distance around a circle along its edge =



Enclosing a circle. In circumscribed polygons, the midpoint of each side of the polygon touches an imaginary circle (i.e. the polygon exactly surrounds the circle).


To press and release the mouse button. To click an object, move the pointer to the object and press and release the mouse button.


The memory buffer where selections are stored when the Cut or Copy command is used.

Construction Lines

Lines, displayed as dotted or gray lines, used for exact alignment. The Drafting Assistant creates dynamic, temporary construction lines. Permanent construction lines can also be created then deleted.

Control Point

The endpoint or midpoint of an object or “knot” point defining a spline. The Drafting Assistant indicates these positions when the pointer is moved near them.


Positions on axes that specify the locations of a point. Two-dimensional graphics have x,y coordinates; three-dimensional graphics have x,y,z coordinates.


The command that places a duplicate of the selected geometry on the Clipboard. See the descriptions for the Polar Duplicate and Linear Duplicate commands and Transformation tools for additional copying methods.

Corner Tool

An editing tool that trims lines extending past their intersection or extends lines to form a corner.


The filling of closed geometry with a line pattern.


The I-beam position indicator in the text tool and boxes which use text. Elsewhere, the position indicator is called a pointer.


A circle, arc, ellipse, or spline.


The command to delete selected entities. The selection is placed on the Clipboard and can be pasted into the same or different documents or into documents created by other applications.

Custom Colors

(Windows only) The button in the color display that defines 16 additional colors to show in the partial color display.


A pen style or line pattern made up of dashes.


Built-in settings that are used by the system if a value or choice is not specified by the user.


The command to erase selected geometry. The selection is not placed on the Clipboard. It can, however, be retrieved within the limits of the Undo command.


A change, usually in position.

Detail View Tool

The tool that creates a separate view of the indicated geometry, at the specified scale.

Dialog Box

A specification box that appears in response to certain commands. A dialog box provides information that qualifies the execution of those commands.


The distance across an arc or circle, passing through the center.


A graphical object that displays the distance between two points, a measurement of an object and also a pen style.


To segment a line or curve into equal parts.


To press and release the mouse button twice in rapid succession. 

Drafting Assistant

A unique Graphite feature which displays feedback notations and construction lines to aid with snap, alignment and constraint operations. The Drafting Assistant facilitates exact construction without requiring manual precision. When the pointer is close enough to display feedback, the Drafting Assistant locks onto the exact location.


To press and hold the mouse button, move the pointer to a new location, and release the mouse button.


An acronym for Data Exchange Format, a format of AutoCAD files.


A 2-dimensional line art representation, usually including an orthogonal view and dimensions.


AutoCAD's native file format.

Ellipse Tool

The tool for drawing ellipses from rectangle or parallelogram specifications.


The first or last point of a line or curve. The Drafting Assistant indicates these positions when the pointer is moved near the endpoint of an object.


To save a document in a file format that can be used by a different application program.


Encapsulated PostScript format for printing to a PostScript printer and for importing into compatible applications.

Eye Dropper

The Eyedropper tool copies properties from a selected entity to another entity, including lines, fonts, layers or dimensions. For text the properties include font, size and color. For dimensions it includes text location, font, size, style, colors, line weight, layers and arrow head on/off.


An individual document.

Fillet Tool

A tool that creates an arc of a specified radius tangent to entities.


To convert a view of a 3D model into a 2D plane. Flattening disassociates a view from a model, allowing independent editing.


The assortment of type used in text.


The command to create standardized title blocks.


Drafting notations for Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing.


The objects used to construct parts.


The rectangular array of lines that facilitates measurement and alignment. The grid display can be turned on or off, and the spacing can be specified through the Layout menu.


To specify several entities as one unit that will be treated as a single object.


A line pattern or pen style used to draw lines that would not be visible in a solid part. Drafters traditionally use hidden lines for geometry that is behind other geometry.

Hit Radius

The distance, in pixels, that is detectable by the Drafting Assistant between the object and the pointer.


An acronym for Initial Graphics Exchange Specification. The U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards issues IGES, which is intended to be the industry standard among CAD/CAM systems for data exchange in a neutral file format. Ashlar-Vellum Graphite supports IGES Version 4.0.


To load a non-Graphite file.


Within a circle. For polygons, all vertices touch the (imaginary) circle.


The position where two lines or curves meet. The curves may actually touch or only intersect when they are extended.


A top, front and right view in which the X-axis is at -30° from the screen horizontal, the Y-axis is 30° from the screen horizontal and the Z-axis is vertical.

Knot Points

The points defining a spline, indicated as vertex points by the Drafting Assistant.


Analogous to transparent media used in conventional manual drafting. Parts can be constructed on several layers which can be made visible or invisible.

Line Tool

The tool that draws single, connected, parallel lines, or smart walls.

Linear Duplicate

The command that copies an object in a line or in an array of multiple lines.


The command to render a selection unchangeable.


To select entities as a group, masking out all others.

Math Operator

The mathematical, trigonometric, or exponential expression used to indicate values. All value entry boxes in Graphite accept the math operators listed in Appendix A.

Message Line

The top line of the drawing area. It names the current tool and provides instructions for using it.


The file format used by the Windows Clipboard.


The key sequence which invokes a command from a menu.


The geometry that is incorporated into a view. The model is the geometry that a view sees.


Surfaces or points that do not lie in a two dimensional plane.


Non-Uniform Rational B-splines—the type of splines Graphite creates. NURB splines are a superset of Bezier curves. NURB splines provide designers with two interrelated functions.

First, curvature continuity remains intact even when the curve is changed, so kinks won’t develop as the spline is altered. Second, localized control of a complex curve is provided, so an area can be isolated for changes without affecting the remainder of the spline.


An individual piece of geometry, such as a line, arc, or circle.

Object Rotation

The command that rotates geometry around any axis.


The 0,0,0 location on the drawing area. When a new document is opened, 0,0,0 is located in the middle of the screen. The coordinate symbol displays at the origin when the grid is turned on. The origin can be changed at any time.


A 2D view of a 3D model which does not show perspective, usually the top, front and right view of the model.


A group of tools. The general tool palette is always displayed to the left of the drawing area.


Integrated parametrics is available through the Resolve and Symbol commands. Once geometry is created, add dimensions as variables or real values. Choose Resolve, to enter specific dimensions for the variables, and the object is drawn to the specifications.


A solid with or without associative history.


To place the contents of the Clipboard in the current document.


At a 90° angle.


The Macintosh graphics file format which uses object-oriented bitmaps or resolution-independent graphics.


To select a location or object by clicking it.


Surfaces or points that lie in one two-dimensional plane.


To print on paper using a plotter.


A vector drawing device for hardcopy output.


A location for constructing geometry.


The position locator similar to a cursor. When a tool is in effect, the pointer takes on a representative shape while in the drawing area.

Polar Duplicate

To copy a selection and rotate it around a reference point.

Polygon Tool

The tool that draws regular polygons, that is, objects with equal sides. Specify rectangles and inscribed or circumscribed polygons.


To press and hold down the mouse button. This action is most commonly used to view the contents of a menu.


The command that reverses the action of the Undo command.


To refresh the screen, recreating all objects.

Relative Position

A location specified as a certain distance from another location. It is often called the delta position.


A trim tool that lengthens or shortens lines to the specified object.


The command that draws geometry according to the specific indicated measurements. See Parametrics.

Right-hand rule

1.     A memory aid for the relative directions of the positive axes. With your right palm upturned, the thumb (X) points right, the index finger (Y) points straight ahead and the middle finger (Z) points up. If you move your hand to indicate the X and Y axes, you can easily see the direction of the Z axis.

2.     A memory aid in which the thumb of the right hand points in the direction of the positive axis of rotation. The fingers curve in the direction of rotation.

Segment Tool

The tool used to divide a line or curve at specific boundaries.

Selection Tool

The tool that selects objects. Usually, subsequent actions affect only the selection. Also used to move selected geometry.


An unbounded region for drawing. Think of a sheet as one page in a set of blueprints.


The change of x relative to y between two points on a line. In a spline, slope defines the vector of a line tangent to the spline at a particular knot point.

Smart Symbol

A symbol created with the Smart Wall tool which is automatically incorporated into a smart wall.

Smart Wall

A tool to create special double walls automatically, trimming overlapping intersections.


The Preferences command that sets the specifications for the Drafting Assistant.

Snap Command

Activates or deactivates different snap modes of the Drafting Assistant.


A smooth, free-form curve passing through specified points.

Status Line

The line at the bottom of the drawing area to enter the specifications for the geometry being created.

Stretch Tool

Used to stretch the geometry along one axis and at a specified angle.

Symbol Libraries

Groups of symbols of the same type. These were either included with Graphite or created by you.


The command that retrieves a predefined drawing. This command may use Graphite’s integrated parametric feature.


The point where a line or curve touches a curve without intersecting it. The Drafting Assistant displays the tangent notation of a curve when the pointer nears it.


This command creates a standard text block for multiple use.

Text Tool

The tool for drawing annotation. Specifies a text box (the area where text is displayed) for entering the text.

Text Lines Tool

Used to place text within a geometrically created horizontal line.


To switch between two conditions, for example, Hide Grid/Show Grid.


The tools to move, rotate, expand or shrink, or mirror an object or group of entities.


To shorten or remove a portion of a line.


A top, front and right view in which the Z-axis is vertical, the X-axis is at -30° from the screen horizontal and the Y-axis is at 15° from the screen horizontal.


The command that reverses the last editing or creation action.


To open a model 90° along an axis.


Measures used for display of geometry.


The point at which the sides of an angle intersect, or a knot point of a spline.


Geometry that appears only in the view in which it was created. Crosshatching, text, GD&T symbols and dimensions in a detail view are view-dependent.


A pen style.


A 3-dimensional representation showing boundary lines, edges and intersections, but not surfaces.

World Plane

The work plane used at the beginning of the construction of a model. Also known as the world coordinate system.

Work Plane

The x,y plane used for 2D objects which has an origin of 0,0,0 for all data input. Sometimes referred to as the user or work coordinate system.


The tool or command that magnifies or reduces an image.


Table of Contents



