User Guide Documentation

This User Guide is written for both Windows and Mac OS X platforms of Graphite. Before using this manual it is necessary to install Graphite using the instructions contained in the Getting Started Guide that came with the software. After installation continue with the tutorial exercises included in that book to familiarize yourself with the tools, features and commands of Graphite, and to maximize your productivity in the shortest amount of time.

Chapter Layout

The chapters are arranged in the order of the design process starting with the basics. It then provides explanations of each tool, editing procedures, adding details and printing. Each chapter contains subheadings indicating the different sections and within those are further subdivisions as needed.

Windows and Macintosh Notations

Throughout the manual, notations are included to perform tasks using either platform. Steps are identical except for specific keyboard commands. In cases where the steps vary, each are listed.

Menus and Submenus

Choosing Commands

In the example exercises, you are directed to choose commands contained in submenus of other menus. For example, if asked to select Define in the Color submenu of the Pen menu, it appears as Pen>Color>Define.


Graphite includes notes that provide information that may help you use the software. There are three types of notes: Tips, Tech Notes and Referrals. These notes have been given a special treatment so that you can instantly recognize their significance and locate them for future reference.

Tip: Tips, tech notes and referrals to other chapters, and alternative ways to accomplish a task are displayed throughout the manual.


A tip provides instructions for getting the most out of Graphite. Tips may show you how to speed up an operation or how to perform some timesaving drawing technique.

Tech Note

A technical note provides additional technical information, not necessary for using Graphite but useful in understanding how it works.


A referral directs you to related information contained somewhere else in the manual for the particular topic being addressed.

Style Conventions

This manual uses various style conventions which highlight certain terms or phrases. The list below includes an explanation and an example in parentheses. The conventions are as follows:


Tool palette names (Light palette); Tool name (Single Line tool); Keyboard-entered text; Definition terms (as shown in these style conventions).


Terms used for the first time in a chapter; (Parametrics); Drafting Assistant notations (midpoint); tool and dialog box options (Angle data field); book references (User Guide); Message Line directions (Single Line:Pick the beginning point.); notes (Tip: Tips, tech notes and referrals to other chapters, and alternative ways to accomplish a task are displayed throughout the manual); menu commands (Extrude); filenames (Graphite.ini); stand alone extensions (.dwg); directory names; drawing names.

Bold and Italic

Command series (Pen>ColorDefine)


Key names on the keyboard (ENTER, RETURN).

Title Capitalization

Dialog box names (Edit Objects); menu names (Pen menu); special Graphite phrases (the Drafting Assistant).

all lower case

File names (graphite.ini); stand-alone file extensions (.dwg).

User Guide Chapter Breakdown

The chapters are grouped into sections dealing with a specific area.

Referral: Specific page information on a particular tool or command can be found in the index.




Contains chapters that provide information on the documentation layout, basic elements of Graphite and the Drafting Assistant.


Setting the Environment

Contains information on setting the drawing environment.


Creating Geometry

Contains information on creating geometry using the tools of Graphite.



Contains information on using the tools and commands to edit your geometry.


Document Detailing

Contains information on adding text and dimensions to your drawing.


Viewing Your Designs

Contains information on viewing your geometry.



Contains information on opening, saving, importing and exporting files.


Parametrics and Symbols

Contains information on using parametrics and placing symbols.


Geometric Analysis

Contains information on performing a 2D analysis on your geometry.


Operators and Units

Describes all operators and units which are accepted by all Graphite data fields.

Special Characters

Lists all special characters not directly available from the keyboard and symbols that are used in Graphite.

Program Settings & Files

Contains all of the default settings for Graphite following installation. It also includes a list of all the folders and files that come with the program.



Defines terminology used in Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) and Graphite.


Lists features, tools and actions in Graphite and their associated page number location in the manual.


Most of the graphics in the manuals apply to both platforms of Graphite. In those instances that require a platform and software reference, a Graphite Windows graphic is used. When necessary, both Windows and Macintosh graphics are included.

New Update Installer


In the Graphite Help menu is an item called Check Web For Update. Click it and Graphite links to the Ashlar-Vellum website to see if a new build of the software is available as a free update. This update will be a small file, not the entire program, which can be downloaded without disturbing your Preference file or your registration codes.

Table of Contents



